Page name: Members of the Church of Dave [Logged in view] [RSS]
2021-03-28 00:05:11
Owner: Just Simon
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2007-02-27 [Just Simon]: Hey hey.
The emissary of Dave welcomes his fellows into the fold.
Should be awesome.

2007-02-27 [DEFUNCT_ACCOUN T]: welcome dudes and dudettes

2007-02-27 [~username~]: w00t! I'm a dudette!!!

2007-02-28 [leaving fo good]: and i? I am a dude!

2007-02-28 [~username~]: *happy dance* <img:>

2007-03-02 [Dinaer]: Sure, i'll be a believer ^^ this church suits me fine. *watches happy dance contentedly*

2007-03-02 [~username~]: We need some more people in the choir, I'm tired of singing the solos all the time.

2007-03-02 [DEFUNCT_ACCOUN T]: I would in the choir, but meh...

2007-03-02 [~username~]: Does it matter if I turn the choir into a better-looking version of Queen, with a little funk thrown in?

2007-03-02 [Just Simon]: You could do that I guess.
Free and easy, etc...
The church of Dave welcomes [Dinaer]!!
In fact, [~username~], I could promote you to a higher level of the music section...

2007-03-03 [Dinaer]: i would be most pleased to oblige your choir enlargement, but my voice tends to scare cats into hiding...o.o

2007-03-03 [Just Simon]: That's a rubbish excuse.
We don't need cats anyway.

2007-03-03 [Dinaer]: i don't like cats...that much o.o though they like me...
probably the singing...-__-

2007-03-03 [Just Simon]: We could promote you to cat repeller...

2007-03-03 [queen mini egg]: well i joined...hapeh now?

2007-03-03 [Just Simon]: Yes.
Did you not want a cool title?
Cool titles are cool.

2007-03-03 [queen mini egg]: lol well thats why they are called cool titles, but i don't believe i have earned a cool title as yet, and until i ahve earned one i do not want i am going to do the washing up
back sooneh xx

2007-03-03 [Just Simon]: Cool cool.
Hopefully cool titles will be earned eventually.

2007-03-03 [Just Simon]: Should I have whores...?
That'd be cool...

2007-03-03 [queen mini egg]: haha i'll be your whore...well i wuld if i wasn't already sure he wouldn't mind sharing tho =P

and do you have any idea how gross soggy, plug hole barley is..i mean EWWWWWWWWWW

2007-03-05 [Dinaer]: no, no whores =)
that's like the total opposite of free'd be paying people for it. not free. no no. *shakes head*

i wonder, how exactly can cool titles be earned?O.o

2007-03-05 [Just Simon]: That's a very good point...
I can't believe I didn't think of that.
Ah well.
This is why you get other peoples opinions.

I have no idea how you earn a title.
If you want one, just ask.
Then we'll see.

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: haha can i be a whore? i'll be a free whore xD
i don't mind whoring myself for free, if it'll get people to join our church i'll whore myself xD
i already have underwear pics xD...but there is a very good reason for that...i...erm...was forced to do it at gun point *nods*
yes that's what happened, it's my story and i am sticking to it

2007-03-05 [~username~]: No idea, coolness just happens to me, so I don't know how to earn it.
Tune in later for the most awesome cover of an awesome cover of a sucky song ever!!!! *waits* Okay, now that it's later, It's Bowling for Soup covering Fergie's London Bridge!!!
*guitar riff*
All my girls get down on the floor (Oh, snap)
Back to back drop it down real low (Oh, snap)
I'm such a lady but I'm dancing like a ho (Oh, snap)
'cause you know what......... here we go! (Oh snap)

Here's the link because it's more awesome in person....

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: lol riiiiiiiiiiight

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: *dies of laughter*
omg thats soooooooooooooo damn funny!!

2007-03-05 [~username~]: My job here is accomplished. *dusts off hands*
*screams* OH SNAP!!!

2007-03-05 [~username~]: Oh, and I think we might need a medic in the church now, what with members of the congregation dieing and stuff, it's just not good for our image.

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: hahahahaha
i'm never gonna be able to say OH SNAP ever again without bursting in to mad fits of laughter!!
i hope you're pleased with yourself!!!
ebil entity of snapness!!!

2007-03-05 [Just Simon]: I think Bob has medics...
I'll go ask...

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: hahaha MEDIC!!!
thats a brilliant word
don't you just love shouting MEDIC!?!?!
coffee makes me hyper
i am also the pudding queen xD

2007-03-05 [~username~]: I'm the Queen of nothingness! PHEER MY DOMIAN!!!

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: aaaaaaah no not nothingness, my life is made up completely of that xD
wait does that mean you rule my life...well that's a VERY scary thought
*runs away in tears* where's spongebob when you need him >.<

2007-03-05 [~username~]: Yes, I rule your life.... with a plastic ruler!!!!!

2007-03-05 [Just Simon]: Bob does not have medics.
Which is distinctly unhelpful.

anywhooo i have to be leaving now
catch ya laters

2007-03-05 [~username~]: GARSH, you'd think they would, just in case we needed them!!!! Can somebody say lawsuit?

2007-03-05 [Just Simon]: Hey, did you want to get promoted to Queen of Nothing.
It'd be funny.
I think that'd go under magic...

2007-03-05 [~username~]: I can multi-task....

2007-03-05 [Just Simon]: Congratulations......

2007-03-05 [Just Simon]: I hope you've all put links to this wiki in your profiles!!
Else I will be very displeased.

2007-03-05 [Just Simon]: And thus, Dave decreed that his church was requiring a band.
And lo, band was added to the wiki.
And Dave saw it.
And it was good.

2007-03-05 [~username~]: I just did it, thanks for reminding me!!!!

2007-03-05 [~username~]: And as far as the band goes, I call TAMBOURINE!!!!!

2007-03-05 [~username~]: YEA!!! *runs around in random geometric shapes waving tambourine*

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: hahaha we should call the band 'the emo stole my cookie, but thats okay cos i stole it from the kitty!'

2007-03-06 [DEFUNCT_ACCOUN T]: yay, a tambourine!

2007-03-06 [Dinaer]: I can be a medic o.o i mean, i know how to act like i know CPR...

2007-03-06 [queen mini egg]: meh i know basic first aid and how to help someone choking...thats about it =/
and i went on a mad whore myself spree lol xD
prolly not the best idea as im not the prettiest of people...but meh, i ahve a few with family and i have a few friends one i need to put up Kay's whore herself photos

2007-03-08 [~username~]: I should totally name the band something..... I'm thinking S.T.U.F.F..... I heart STUFF.... Meh, I can't think right now, I have a chemistry test in half an hour...

2007-03-08 [queen mini egg]: haha name the band...we like stuff!

2007-03-08 [Malachi Lionheart]: Divine Knights can heal
I think I'm a little late though :S

2007-03-08 [queen mini egg]: yeah i didn't actually die... but if i do, i want your bring me back to life schools!!!

2007-03-09 [~username~]: We like S.T.U.F.F. it is then!!!! S.T.U.F.F means Shakspearian Tacos Urinating For Fire-fighters, but I like it abbriviated.

2007-03-09 [queen mini egg]: hahahaha omg i effin love it!

2007-03-10 [~username~]: Who wants to be a groooupieee!!!!!

2007-03-10 [queen mini egg]: ME ME ME ME ME!!!!
im already a groupie/roadie for one band, i can be one for yours too xD

MEL HAD HER BABY TODAY!!! IT WAS A GIRL AND THEY CALLED IT DANICA!!!! sooo cuuuuuute EXCITED MUCH *bounces off the ceiling*

2007-03-19 [~username~]: *does the baby dance*

2007-03-19 [queen mini egg]: lol yay baby dance xD

2007-03-19 [~username~]: <img:>

2007-03-19 [queen mini egg]: <img:>

2007-03-19 [queen mini egg]: haha cute dancing elephant xD

dunno why i copied and pasted that...but its just vereh cute and pink and dancy xD

2007-03-19 [~username~]: It's doing the dance of all ages.... i think... or it's doing a Missy Elliott dance...

2007-03-19 [queen mini egg]: haha looks a lot like a missy elliot dance to me =/ lol

2007-03-20 [~username~]: Dance, Patrick the Elephant! Dance like your life depends on it!!!

2007-03-20 [queen mini egg]: patric?
we named the elephant patric??


2007-03-21 [~username~]: Yep, that's his name. Wanna make something of it?

2007-03-21 [DEFUNCT_ACCOUN T]: patric? i thought his name was patrick *gets shot*

2007-03-21 [~username~]: *shoots rubber bands at Darth* Aren't you supposed to be grounded?

2007-03-21 [queen mini egg]: aaaaaaaaaaah who shot [DEFUNCT_ACCOUN T]????
*prefroms emergency cpr and first aid to save [DEFUNCT_ACCOUN T]'s life

2007-03-21 [~username~]: <img:> I didn't do it!!!!

2007-03-21 [queen mini egg]: uuuh-huh...okay i believe you, despite the shifty eyes...which are very cool btw!

2007-03-21 [~username~]: Thanks, it's one of my personal emoticons.

2007-03-24 [queen mini egg]: realllllly?
it's pretty cool!

2007-03-25 [DEFUNCT_ACCOUN T]: yay aliveness!!

2007-03-25 [queen mini egg]: damn straight!

2007-03-26 [~username~]:

2007-03-26 [queen mini egg]: AWE that is soooooooooooo cute!!!

2007-05-09 [Just Simon]: Hello minions!
I mean...
fellow.. woshippers of Dave...
I have been gone for a while.
But now...

2007-05-11 [Dinaer]: All hail the Lord
Welcome back ^-^ *bows head just a tiny fraction*

2007-05-11 [DEFUNCT_ACCOUN T]: *bows to the awesome Daveness* Lord of Gayness, music and simone-ness.

2007-05-30 [~username~]: My Lord!<img:> I am not worthy to be in your prescence!!

2007-06-03 [DEFUNCT_ACCOUN T]: (it's presence) er... *goes to get offering*

2007-06-07 [Just Simon]: I get an offering?
Huge piles of awesome.
On a stick.
I have been travelling, spreading the word of DAVE!
(who totally pwns btw)

2007-06-09 [DEFUNCT_ACCOUN T]: the offering the new transformers theme song

2007-06-09 [queen mini egg]: woohoo after three weeks of no internet i finally have it who missed me...or even noticed i was gone lol

2007-06-09 [Just Simon]: Haha. I did not notice.
I haven't been in Elftown for a long while.
It's true.
I'm not lying to you.

2007-06-09 [queen mini egg]: lol thanks for the honesty ^^

2007-06-09 [Just Simon]: We need to promote some people...
I need some clergy...

2007-06-09 [queen mini egg]: hehe clergy!
that reminds me!
i need to revise history for my exam!
aaaaaaaaaaaaah *runs around in circles screaming like a headless chicken on spead*

2007-06-09 [Just Simon]: I have to ask...
How would a chicken without a head take speed?

2007-06-09 [queen mini egg]: it'd shove it down the hole that was once its neck?

2007-06-11 [~username~]: Or inject itself like any other chicken.

2007-06-11 [queen mini egg]: yeah that too.

2007-06-12 [~username~]: Because that's normal

2007-06-12 [queen mini egg]: whats normal? injecting itself like all the other chickens on drugs?
OMG i saw this thing last night and you know organic food is supposed to be good for you? well these were free range organic chickens wich are supposed to be good for you BUT BUT BUT! they carry so many more germs than other chickens that they can contaminate your kitchen even if you bleach the surfaces and stuff!!!! Scareh!

2007-06-13 [Just Simon]: Okay.
I am definitely going to promote ONE person to clegy, and ONE person to adept.
Who wants what?

2007-06-13 [queen mini egg]: bad at stuff so promoting me would be a bad idea cos i all around suck!

2007-06-14 [Just Simon]: (it's okay, you don't actually have to do anything)

2007-06-14 [queen mini egg]: oh okay..then promote me to what ever you want =]

2007-06-14 [Just Simon]: *spins the wheel of random promtion"
You get...
You get to lead the rest of the church in the wondrous worship of Dave!

2007-06-14 [Just Simon]: Yo, Master of Prophecies, begin teaching someone the ways of the arcane.
(ie - decide someone to become an adept)

2007-06-14 [queen mini egg]: woohoo i get to lead people...i say every wednesday you all dress in a yellow chicken suit xD
no im serious!

2007-06-18 [~username~]: But my chicken suit is purple. Is that gonna be a problem?

2007-06-18 [queen mini egg]: no as long as its a chicken then all will be forgiven. as yours is individual you can be leader of the chicken suit wednesdays, you have to make sure everyone is in their chicken suits xD

2007-06-19 [~username~]: w00t! Lets play follow the leader!!

2007-06-19 [queen mini egg]: i think it will be funny and funny means people laugh, laughing people are happy people, happy people= greater work in shorter time = us being a whole lot better at our jobs!

2007-06-20 [~username~]: Except for me, because I've become a one-woman band, and I can't sing... I guess I'll just have to act as a DJ and select sog for their sheer awesomeness.
First song of the day:
Pour some sugar on me - Def Leppard
Fortune Faded - Red Hot Chili Peppers

2007-06-20 [queen mini egg]: def leppard! has to be deff leppard!!!!

2007-06-21 [~username~]: Posting what?
Next song is for [queen mini egg]
Fall Out Boy - Grand Theft Autumn

2007-06-21 [queen mini egg]: OMG I LOVE YOU VICTORIA!!!!!!

2007-06-25 [~username~]: I'm glad someone does. *beams because I is lurved*

2007-06-25 [~username~]: Song of the day!
Bowling For Soup - Punk Rock 101

2007-06-26 [queen mini egg]: IYEEEEEEEEEEEEE
muwahahahhahahaha i pretend to play the drums along to it while im in the car...people then believe i play drums and am on my way to a gig...people ask me about this when we reach taffic lights xD
i is cool xD

2007-06-28 [queen mini egg]: tcha they do!

2007-07-02 [~username~]: Yea-ness!!!!

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